
Is blogging right for you?

I’ve been asked a few times about blogging. I offered bits of information here and there but nothing close to actually churning out a 60 minute blabber. To jumpstart the orientation, I gave  an intro talk on blogging for professionals. Guess who are my audience for this talk- people  on mainstream media

Frankly, I made a mess in that tutorial. I got the audience more confused after the tutorial. But guess what? That mess piqued the minds of my audience. They never ran out of questions! Which is a good thing!

I think.

For techie guy like me, an intro tutorial to blogging is ironically, super technical. The real challenge is translating the technical gibberish into understandable concepts. To think, I was talking to mass communication people entrenched in mainstream media!

So I’m writing this post not as an excuse for that messy tutorial, but as a prologue to that tutorial. I’m drawing similarities between blogging as an alternative media and that of the mainstream media.

So is blogging right for you?

Let me answer that question with three traits I noticed with great  bloggers and/or great writers. I’ve  been blogging since 2006. While this doesn’t make me an expert on blogging, I fairly had a head start noticing passionate bloggers and those that just blogged overnight and left.

Bloggers read a lot.

They read everything their mind could absorb. Even with topics that aren’t in their list of interests. These blogger’s cerebrum have grey matter gyrations  that can hold bazillion of information. Their thirst for information is unquenchable. They’re like informations “sponges”. How they process these information is really up to the blogger.  What I’m sure is, they read a lot- a lot more than an average individual does. This is why internet is like booze to them. They are a fan of information explosion. Bloggers are voracious reader.

Bloggers write a lot

Of course. They match what they read with writing. It may be on a scratch paper, a tissue paper, on ticklers, or on notepads, ipads or what have they.  Their mind is just spewing ideas every moment. Most people worry about grammars, spelling and so many things. Yes, these are valid concerns.  Write first, then edit after. I’ve learned blogging this way, and every friend I have knew how much I suck with english spelling and composition. Not that blogging has greatly improved my grammar now but at least I can write with greater confidence than before. Seriously, gramar, spelling and composition is important too, but first, write. Then you worry about these stuff when you have something to edit!

Bloggers are very passionate individuals

Their passion is unstoppable. This is what drive their persistence, their determination and sense of fulfillment. Yes, you can write dis-interestingly, but with blogging, every good reader will know if your writing just for the sake of writing. Don’t ask. Blog readers are an intelligent crop of information-getters mind you. So again, a blogger should bevery passionate about blogging. Otherwise, I would recommend you stick with just writing stuff in your mind.

Last thing.

Don’t get into blogging with moneymaking as your first, main reason

I said first, because I personally knew a blogger who went into blogging for money, and suceeded. But they’re what? upper one percent? You’re chance of making it big the first time you blog is slimmer than you getting hit by a lightning. Of course you can earn money while blogging but that will come in later. Personally, I’ve spent more money on blogging that what I’ve earn from it in six years. This does not include the perks and freebies I get sometimes (that’s a different topic ), but less than more, I’m spending for it. I came to the conclusion years ago, that blogging is not my source of income anyway, or in the future.

So is blogging right for you? Try asking yourself if you’ve got the traits I mentioned above and you’ll get your answers.

Fellow bloggers, what can do you think is the best tip you can give to these new bloggers? Please comment below for your answers.


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Why I’m Living Comfortably with Frugality

[dropcap1]I[/dropcap1]s it really possible to live comfortably with frugality as a mantra? I suspect the answer varies depending on how you define the two terms-“comfortable” and “frugality”, in the preceding question. [quote_box author=”The Free Dictionary” profession=”(online)”]comfort·a·bly adv. Synonyms: comfortable, cozy, snug1, restful. These adjectives mean affording ease of mind or body.[/quote_box] Comfortable may mean differently to various person. One’s comfort may be another one’s hell. It’s rather a personal choice, the level of which certainly depends on some acceptable norms within a society or community you’re living in. [quote_box author=”The Free Dictionary” profession=”(Online)”]Frugality n. – prudence in avoiding waste  [/quote_box]
Frugality may also be interpreted differently but I want to dispel one thing-its not the same as being cheap. Compared to a cheap piece of equiptment for example, buying a reliable but a bit expensive piece of equipment will ultimately save you from frequent repair cost!
[title type=”h2″]Living below your means[/title]

If you’re just observant of the lifestyle of the [highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]true rich and wealthy people[/highlight], you’ll probably know by now that many of them actually live way below their means! These wealthy people can afford to  buy those  luxury cars and live in sprawling high-end subdivisions. How many of these true wealthy people buy those luxury cars? Or live extravagantly? If we’re talking about the real, wealthy people, its quite a rarity don’t you think? The ones flaunting their extravagant living are the wannabe rich individuals who need status symbol to gain rights to the elite circle. I don’t have any problems with their chosen living, but I’ve long decided it’s not the lifestyle that I wanted for myself. Hence, I subscribed to the idea of “living below your means” a long time ago.

[styled_box title=”How to live below your means” class=”sb_orange”][check_list]
  • [highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]Self discipline plays a big part in this.[/highlight] The discipline to say NO when you don’t need it, or NO, even if you can afford it.
  • [highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]Setting financial priorities according to a need only spending habit.[/highlight] What’s bloody of course is deciding what’s basic and what’s just wants.  One has to take a hard look on his financial status to lay down his priorities.
  • [highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]Financial literacy is a must and should be a part of everyone’s continuing learning process. [/highlight]It’s one thing to be frugal and its another to be blindly frugal.
  • [highlight class=”highlight_yellow” style=””]Patience is a virtue by which most wealthy people commonly have. [/highlight]It gives you time to think about financial occurrences and study ones that are suspicious.

Frugal living is a pain of the dash(ing), especially in a society who favors extravagant living. Who wouldn’t drool on that new model car? Or that new gadget that was just displayed on the store? I do.  But every time I look my need-only-spending-strategy, the real benefits for me seem dubious at best. The same frugal living has saved me from debt traps, financial compromises and lots of headaches. Frugal living pushed me to live a-need-only-lifestyle that I want for myself. So far, I’m enjoying it.


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How to reduce personal healthcare cost

As a doctor I find it really frustrating when some patients keep complaining about staggering health cost when they do not at all, mind their own excessive “unhealthy” living. The fact that health care cost nowadays is expensive, is old story to most us. But we keep on throwing the gripes at our similarly unsympathetic government without even taking a hard look at our own lifestyle. At the rate health care is deteriorating, we might just see another health care ‘titanic” before our government nudge.

There are ways however, that people can do to reduce their health care cost in the long run. Yes, take the matters into your hand and save your lashing at our government’s inefficient health care system. Believe me, whining at a inattentive ear is, a waste. Try these…

  1. Eat a healthy diet. Everyone knew that the leading cause of morbidities and mortalities for Filipinos are mostly related to our diet.  Moreover, hypertension, cardiac disease, infection, etc are all preventable diseases. The direct relation of diet to some of these diseases are all well established. Why not avoid them to save thousands from medical cost of those preventable disease? Besides, its cheaper to buy non meat products!
  2. Exercise regularly. Exercise has a very positive effect on risk reduction for almost all type of diseases. It also reduces your time spent on other less healthy activities (smoking, alcohol etc). Choosing the appropriate exercises for age and health conditions helps as it reduces unnecessary risk and cost. Take note, exercise does not always mean the gym, which is expensive by the way.
  3. Consult your family physician and seek advice on regular check-ups and cost efficient lifestyle screening program to pick up possible disastrous diseases. Also ask your physician for self examinations that you can perform for health disease screening. Practice this self examination as advised.
  4. Consult physicians that are accredited by your health insurance to lessen cost of clinic visits. Check this coverage whenever you sign health insurance contracts.
  5. Wear protective equipment when you are driving, especially with motorcycles. While motorcycles is the leading cause of death for road accidents in the Philippines, its popularity among Filipinos continues. The staggering cost of hospitalization secondary to a motorcycle accidents is almost equivalent to the cost of your house and lot today. So don’t say we didn’t warn you. At the very least, check if you have a valid life insurance.
  6. Choose a healthy lifestyle and be aware of the dangers of vices (alcohol, smoking etc)not just to your health but also to your pocket. I’ve seen a lot of impoverished Filipinos still languishing on these vices yet complain  they don’t have anything to buy food.
  7. Lessen frequent physician and emergency consults for sickness like common colds where home remedies (followed properly) is advisable. More so, do not give antibiotics immediately whenever you (or your child)begin to sneeze. That might just actually save you money for the next expensive antibiotics.
  8. In some cases, and if from reputable manufacturer, generic drugs are okay as a more cost effective substitute. Ask your physician regarding this  when he gives drug prescription. Also try to avail of pharmacy’s promos (like senior citizen’s and suki card discounts etc.) when buying medicines.
  9. If you have to undergo procedures, ask your physician if this can be done on an overnight or outpatient basis. If not, ask if how can the hospital stay be shorten to lessen the cost.
  10. Examine your medical bill, and make sure everything tallies. If not ask for the billing’s explanation. If there is a refund, make sure you can make the proper claims for refund.

At the bottom line of all these tips is the preventive aspect at avoiding health care cost. Patient education is also necessary to sustain cost reduction without having to suffer health care overheads. Good luck.


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