Understanding Calf Muscle Strain Injury in Sports

By Life Lessons

I recently got sidelined from work and play after sustaining a Calf Muscle Strain Injury (CMSI) during a badminton game.  Realizing that I might gain weight because of inactivity, I was anxious to start rehabilitating and train back for badminton. First though,  I need to understand, diagnose and identify the common causes of CMSI to prevent a re injury in the future. This is the topic of this post.

What is a  Calf Muscle Strain Injury ?

A calf muscle strain occurs when the muscles at the back of the lower leg, known as the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, are overstretched or torn. Badminton players are susceptible to this injury due to the sudden bursts of acceleration, quick directional changes, and repetitive jumping involved in the sport. I got mine during a badminton game. As soon as the server released the shuttlecock , I lunged forward to the net to drive back our opponent’s low serve. Then, I felt something snapped at the back of my right leg.

How You Know If You Sustained a Calf Muscle Strain Injury?

You’ll know it when you get it. It’s like someone kicked my calf and I felt something snapped. Then there’s  sharp, lumpy pain in the back of my leg especially  when i’d stand with one leg  or dorsiflexing  my foot. Sometimes there is swelling or bluish discoloration on your calf. Pain severity score ( 0-10 with 10 as the most severe ) is commonly used to “grade’ the severity of a calf muscle strain injury. Other test like calf squeeze test and heel raise test should be performed on you by a physiotherapist/ doctor.

Do you need imaging like an xray?-No. An MRI? Depends on the severity, which is Grade 1-3 with 3 as the most severe. Again, consult a sports physician or an orthopedist.

What Are the Common Causes of Calf Muscle Strain Injury? :

  • Insufficient warm-up: Skipping warm-up exercises, such as light jogging, stretching, and mobility drills, can leave the muscles cold and more prone to injury. Me? I did not warm up properly before this match.
  • Improper technique: Incorrect footwork, sudden movements without proper form, or excessive strain on the calf muscles during jumps or lunges can contribute to strains. I did try to use a left led foot first-half step lunge forward technique, which I never tried in the past games.
  • Overexertion: Fatigue from prolonged or intense play can compromise muscle integrity, making the calves more susceptible to strains. I played three times a week regularly in the weeks . Then I played out daily the whole week before this tournament! Overexerted, to say the least.
  • Inadequate footwear: Wearing worn-out or ill-fitting shoes with poor shock absorption can increase the risk of calf muscle injuries. I used a two new ill fitting shoe that I’ve only used, 3-4x during regular weekday games.
  • Incorrect mindset or the lack thereof. Mindset is as important as the physical prep and fitness. If you don’t focus on your fitness and training, chances are you’ll get injuries. I was so distracted by work demands, I thought of badminton as an outlet, not as a sport governed by physics and kinesiology.

Calf muscle strains can be a temporary setback for badminton players. Understanding what a Calf Muscle Strain Injury is, it’s common causes and  knowing  if you sustained one, these are the first steps in preventing future its recurrence!

Last modified: August 11, 2023

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