Science Backed, Actionable Steps On How To Start Blogging Again!

By Habits

I write and practice useful actionable  ideas to improve people lives. Writing is also therapeutic for me. Unfortunately, my blogging waxed and waned these past few months. Eager to restart my writing habit, I researched science-backed, actionable steps to help me start blogging again.  I hope you’ll find these useful too!

Here are actionable steps  to help you start blogging again:

Practical Actionable Steps To Help You Start Blogging Again
    • Setting Clear Intentions and Goals:
      Scientific research suggests that setting clear goals enhances motivation and persistence. Define what you aim to achieve with your blogging efforts, such as improving your writing skills, sharing knowledge, or building a personal brand.
    • Start Small with Micro-Goals:
      Behavioral science shows that breaking down larger goals into smaller, achievable steps increases the likelihood of success. Begin with a commitment to writing a certain number of words or paragraphs each day or week.
    • Tap into Intrinsic Motivation:
      Studies in psychology emphasize the importance of intrinsic motivation for sustained effort. Reconnect with your passion for the subject matter, reminding yourself of the joy and fulfillment blogging brings you.
    • Create a Supportive Environment:
      Research indicates that your environment greatly influences your behavior. Designate a dedicated space for writing, free from distractions, to signal to your brain that it’s time to focus on blogging.
    • Practice the Two-Minute Rule:
      This concept from behavioral psychology suggests that if a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately. Apply this rule to tasks like brainstorming blog topics or drafting a quick outline.
    • Utilize Implementation Intentions:
      Cognitive science suggests that creating specific “if-then” plans for your actions can increase follow-through. For instance, “If it’s Tuesday evening, then I will spend an hour writing a blog post.”
    • Embrace Positive Self-Talk:
      Psychological studies show that positive self-talk can improve performance and self-efficacy. Challenge any negative thoughts about your writing abilities and replace them with affirmations like “I can write engaging content.”
    • Set Time-Limited Sessions:
      Research in productivity supports the idea of working in focused, time-limited intervals. Apply techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, working intensely for 25 minutes and then taking a short break.
    • Use the Zeigarnik Effect:
      Leverage the psychological principle that incomplete tasks tend to stay on your mind. Start a draft, even if it’s just a few sentences, to trigger the Zeigarnik Effect and make it more likely you’ll return to finish it.
    • Engage in Mindfulness and Flow:
      Neuroscience research highlights the benefits of mindfulness and flow states. Before writing, practice a short mindfulness exercise to enhance focus and creativity.
    • Social Accountability:
      Studies show that accountability can drive behavior change. Share your blogging intention with a friend or join a writing group to create a sense of accountability.
    • Reflect on Past Successes:
      Positive psychology suggests that reflecting on past accomplishments can boost confidence. Remind yourself of successful blog posts you’ve written in the past to reignite your enthusiasm.
    • Reward Yourself:
      Behavioral economics indicates that rewards can reinforce desired behaviors. Set up a small reward system for reaching blogging milestones, like treating yourself to a favorite snack or a short break.
    • Practice Gratitude:  
      Research in positive psychology demonstrates that practicing gratitude can enhance motivation and well-being. Each time you write, reflect on something related to your blog that you’re grateful for.

Restarting my blogging habit wasn’t easy and I’m still learning and relearning these steps.  Remember that the journey of restarting a blog is unique to you. Experiment with these strategies, identify what works best for you, and adapt your approach as needed. The key is to take consistent, manageable steps to build momentum and rediscover the joy of blogging. Comment below if this helped you (or not). 

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Image by Ylanite Koppens from Pixabay

Last modified: August 12, 2023

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