I've been writing about continuous improvement, habits and productivity since 2007.

Science Backed, Actionable Steps On How To Start Blogging Again!

I write and practice useful actionable  ideas to improve people lives. Writing is also therapeutic for me. Unfortunately, my blogging waxed and waned these past few months. Eager to restart my writing habit, I researched science-backed, actionable steps to help me start blogging again.  I hope you’ll find these useful too! Continue Reading


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Proven Benefits of Using a Personal Balance Scorecard

If you want to improve productivity and achieve personal goals but don’t know how to monitor progress, a balanced scorecard is right for you.

I thought of “trying” a personal BSC when I read  Rampersad‘s book “Authentic Governance” decades back. After years of researching,  using and tweaking a personal balance scorecard, I am reaping some good results. This is what I am sharing in this post. Continue Reading


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What To Do If You Have Calf Muscle Strain Injury

Calf muscle strains can be a temporary setback for badminton players, but with proper care, recovery, and prevention strategies, players can minimize the risk of future injuries.

Calf Muscle Strain Injuries sidelines a person from physical or fitness activities. Lack of physical activity increases the risks of cardiovascular diseases and death. I previously explained what a Calf Muscle Strain Injury (CMSI)  is and how to diagnose it. I’ve also listed  it’s common causes hoping to prevent its recurrence among badminton players.

In this post, let us explore some immediate recovery steps for badminton incurred, Calf Muscle Strain Injury:

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Understanding Calf Muscle Strain Injury in Sports

I recently got sidelined from work and play after sustaining a Calf Muscle Strain Injury (CMSI) during a badminton game.  Realizing that I might gain weight because of inactivity, I was anxious to start rehabilitating and train back for badminton. First though,  I need to understand, diagnose and identify the common causes of CMSI to prevent a re injury in the future. This is the topic of this post. Continue Reading


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