The best daddy gifts are those borne out of carefully understanding your dad’s psyche. Someone asked me on twitter what’s my wish list on father’s day. Here are some of those:
The best daddy gifts are those borne out of carefully understanding your dad’s psyche. Someone asked me on twitter what’s my wish list on father’s day. Here are some of those:
1. Random act of kindness. I started this challenge on my birthday. Knowing someone is doing an act of kindness (to anyone) brings a different “high” right? This is the easiest and cheapest to give too!
2. Truckload of potting soil. My veggie seedlings are fast growing. I already have compost and containers ready. But I don’t have a suitable top soil for container gardening. Just point me to where I can find one and I’ll do the rest 🙂
3. Large bookshelf. My book stash is piling up. Book shelves in my house are full. I prefer the sturdy, wooden, easy to assemble and clean book shelf. But I’ll accept anything that will pass as bookshelf. Like this one.
4. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. I couldn’t find this on any bookstore here. I prefer the paperback edition.
5. Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want (Strategyzer). Same with no. 4. I remember seeing these titles either in Fullybooked MOA or SM Megamall.
6. A refill of this- Green Bounty’s Putanesca Sauce + Pesto . I bought a jar of each last week. It’s half full now. So I’m estimating it’ll be empty next week 🙂

Green Bounty products
7. A gigantic, powered USB hub like this! My gadgets seem to run out of USB ports all the time!
That’s it! Well, you can add items to this list as gifts for your dad (or me 🙂 ) as you wish. No dad would say, no.