I've been writing about continuous improvement, habits and productivity since 2007.

About quitting jobs

Found this nice “job quitting flowchart” from BBC that sums up the hard questions to answer when you’re thinking of quitting your current job for some reasons. Not exactly applicable to my job, but this should help people bugging me to answer the question for them: Should you quit?

Found this nice “job quitting flowchart” from BBC that sums up the hard questions to answer when you’re thinking of quitting your current job for some reasons. Not exactly applicable to my job, but this should help people bugging me to answer the question for them: Should you quit?


BBC made this flowchart. Stumbled on it at Holy Kaw!


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The Official Remo Aguilar’s Father’s Day Gift List

The best daddy gifts are those borne out of carefully understanding your dad’s psyche. Someone asked me on twitter what’s my wish list on father’s day. Here are some of those:

The best daddy gifts are those borne out of carefully understanding your dad’s psyche. Someone asked me on twitter what’s my wish list on father’s day. Here are some of those:

1. Random act of kindness. I started this challenge on my birthday. Knowing someone is doing an act of kindness (to anyone) brings a different “high” right? This is the easiest and cheapest to give too!

2. Truckload of potting soil. My veggie seedlings are fast growing. I already have compost and containers ready. But I don’t have a suitable top soil for container gardening. Just point me to where I can find one and I’ll do the rest 🙂

3. Large bookshelf. My book stash is piling up. Book shelves in my house are full. I prefer the sturdy, wooden, easy to assemble and clean book shelf. But I’ll accept anything that will pass as bookshelf. Like this one.

4. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. I couldn’t find this on any bookstore here. I prefer the paperback edition.

5. Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want (Strategyzer). Same with no. 4. I remember seeing these titles either in Fullybooked MOA or SM Megamall.

6. A refill of this- Green Bounty’s Putanesca Sauce + Pesto . I bought a jar of each last week. It’s half full now. So I’m estimating it’ll be empty next week 🙂

Green Bounty products

Green Bounty products

7. A gigantic, powered USB hub like this! My gadgets seem to run out of USB ports all the time!

That’s it! Well, you can add items to this list as gifts for your dad (or me 🙂 ) as you wish. No dad would say, no.



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Now, I know what you did on my birthday!

Last June 11, my birthday I asked people to post a good deed on my social media wall instead of the usual birthday greetings.

Last June 11, my birthday I asked people to post a good deed on my social media wall instead of the usual birthday greetings.

remoI hacked the idea the night before, thinking It would be more meaningful to know some people received random act of kindness from both offline and online friends. I owe these people bigtime. Made my birthday a memorable one.

Here are some the people who responded to my call for random kindness.

Awesomely thanks! All of these are on my Storify account.


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Green Mojo DIY Project #3: Rainwater tower collector

Yeah, it’s rainy season once again! So what better ways to use those excess rainwater just flooding our streets?

That’s right! A rainwater collector!

Yeah, it’s rainy season once again! So what better way to “catch and store” those rainwater just flooding our streets?

That’s right! A rainwater collector and storage system!

Since I started urban farming, I’ve been thinking of using rainwater to water my plants. My hydroponics garden uses dechlorinated, piped in water that’s tad expensive. Watering my soil based organic plants with piped in water is expensive too! My fish aquarium is also using dechlorinated water and I just started experimenting aquaponics. What if I use rain water in my aquaponics garden? Lastly, rainwater just flood low lying areas at home. Collecting and storing rainwater for household use should be a simple, practical and cheaper way to mitigate floods. Cheaper urban farming too!

Of course I could have ask someone to make it for me, but that’s kind of expensive.  I’m also up for some DIY at home in my garden. So, I’m going to build a layered vertical wooden tower with plastic bucket as a container and a space for plants on the second level.


  • A large plastic pail/bucket/container – you can buy at a hardware/kitchen store.
  • 2 x 2 inches good lumber, cut into necessary measured lengths
  • Nails, saw, hammer, guides, hole saw, carpenter tools.
  • Meshed net, fine one use for strainer.
  • Piping or faucet depending on your needs


  1. Measure the width and height of your plastic container. Measure also the intended height of your tower and the level of the faucet. I suggest an elevation of one meter from ground level for easy maneuvering or if you will use pipes to channel water to other containers, a greater pressure for water to flow.
  2. Build your container stand and tower, taking note of the height and diameter requirements. The easy rectangular design with braces on four sides is all good for me.
  3. Fit your container on the tower stand  and mark the areas where you will place the faucet/pipes below, and the overflow drain on top.
  4. Drill your faucet/pipe holes and overflow drain using hole sizes of pipes.
  5. Create a square strainer lid with a fine, meshed net using a lumber frame or tacking the net to the container lid itself.
  6. Assemble your rainwater collector system, then position it to where you’re rainwater spouts are draining.
  7. Attach your pipes/faucet and overflow drain accordingly. Place a water sealant on the holes to prevent leaks.
  8. Test your rain water collector for leaks.

That’s it. Now you have a simple rainwater collector!

A simple vertical wooden two layered rainwater collector. The lower portion should serve as plant holders too.

A simple vertical wooden two layered rainwater collector. The lower portion should serve as plant holders too.

If you have any suggestions to improve this design, comment below.


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